Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Step Skills.... (What a bad day!)

     It was really a bad day for me! We had a step skills at teletech. It means that we are going to take calls but it was not recorded and evaluated, it was a practice actually for our preparation for TCC. Around 6:45pm we already went to pre-production area, to prepare ourselves and the things that we need to use during the calls. At 7:00pm we started and our nerves are really trembling while waiting for our first call. One hour has passed, yet we havn't recieved any call until past 8:00pm all calls are starting to come in.

     Finally! my PC rang and my heart really beats faster and faster and I said... "Thank you for calling T-mobile, this is algen how can I assist you?"  The customer says that he cannot hear me and hanged the phone. Whew! I don't know what will be my reaction if I'm going to be happy or not, happy because I wasn't able to get the call and it relieves my nervous a little bit and at the same time I was dissappointed because I missed the opportunity.

    After a few minutes my PC rang again and while I am in the middle of my welcome statement the customer hang up the phone without any reason. "not again?" I said. well, I have nothing to do but to wait for the next call.
For the third time my PC rang again and I answered it and it was really a real call....

     The customer's voice wasn't really clear at first and he was already IRATE.  I actually had a hard time understanding Him. After a few words I understand his situation and the problem. I get his "mobile number" and when I press the RETRIEVE button, It appears that there was 3 lines in his account with different names. I panicked because, I havn't encountered that stuation during our training. What I did is I asked the customer's first and last name and I found the correct user.

    Unfortunately, I mentioned to the customer that he has 3 lines in his account. He was shocked because he actually had one line. I found out that the 2 other line was already cancelled and he is insisting where did I get that information. I did apologized to the customer that it was a missed information (THE 2 LINES WAS ACTUALLY CANCELLED). We go through to the verification of his account and it was varified successfully.

    Now, the customer explained to me about his concern that he paid to the automated system for his bill, but the bill was not yet posted and he's asking where did his payment go? I asked him probing questions like "how much did he pay?, where did he pay and when did he pay?"  He told me the information and when I asked him more questions, he don;t want to answer anymore and he just want to know where did his payment go? I told him that inorder for me to provide you with the correct information, let me first asked you this questions.. (It just sounds like that, but that's not the exact word that I told him). He don't want to listen to me anymore and he want to talk to somebody else. I tried to escalate but for the 2nd time he told me that he want to talk with somebody else.

    I have no choice but to give the call to the one of my supervisor and I found out that, HE JUST WANT TO HAVE A PAYMENT THROUGH CSR BECAUSE THE AUTOMATED MACHINE IS DOWN!!!"
I was really dissappointed because I tried to paraphrase his question and he was just answering me YES! which I thought that he was really looking for his missing payment...

    I feel so bad because I had a "SUP CALL" during my first call, while my other co-csr did not while others got a great call and solved it.

    What good in this experience was, I learned from my mistakes... I maybe need to be active in listening to my customer. But it was a very nice experience.

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