Thursday, September 23, 2010

Gentel's Day!!!

     Another year has passed and a new days are coming ahead the both of us. I know that we faced a lot of problems and trials in our relationship, but I really thank God for keeping us together in the bond of His love. This time, I just want to cherish the moments that I have with my girl...

     It was sunday afternoon when we had our YRS (Youth Reigenrs Service) and during our praise and worship, she sang, HOSSANA, ONE WAY and FREE... I was really star strucked with her.. from that day on, I really felt something for her and we just started in a simple text mate and till the time came that i really courted her.

    The hardest part during that time, I need to come to their house and talk to her mom and asked permission to court her. wheewww.. I was really nervous that time. but, because of love, I need to do it. hahaha... Days goes by, my feelings for her was getting deeper and deeper and till the day when her birthday came (September 20, 2008) and when she told me that she loves me too, I really can't believe it...  Well, I guess my prayer was heard by God because eveyrday I keep on asking God that I want her to be my partner... (na kulitan na gru c Lord sakon) hahahaha!!!!

    We are now in our 2nd year anniversary and I am really thankful that God gave her to me, there's no more thoughtful, loving, caring and understanable girl here in the world than Greatel. She's the most ideal girl that everyguy wants... She's really beautiful INSIDE and OUT!!!! Love you so much hon!!!!

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