Saturday, October 2, 2010

Don't waste it!

     I just came from the ALS Spiritual Retreat and it was really a blessing for me because I realized something from their experiences. ALS students are those students who didn't finish high school and wants to continue their education and proceed to college level. It is a free education by the Department of Education (DEP ED). It's a blessing that our church JRFF is one of the facilitator of this program. If the student will pass the exam, they will receive a certificate to continue their college education.

    Just a while ago, they have their spiritual retreat, to prepare theirselves for their exams tomorrow (Oct. 3, 2010). We divided them into 8 groups so that, they will be facilitated better. I was one of the small group leader and one of our activities was we asked to draw our hands and each finger has a specific question. On the small finger, the question was, what is your "MAJOR MAJOR" mistake in life? In my surprise, most of them answered "THEY STOP SCHOOLING" some of them because of addictions to computer games, barkadas, financial problem and etc. 

    Their answers really came into my realization that education is really important. I was really blessed because I have my parents who are working and they spend so much for my tuitions. I really thank them a lot. They even send me in a private school here in iloilo and one of the best private school (ILOILO CENTRAL COMMERCIAL HIGH SCHOOL). God is really good into my life.

    I was pity to those who are having a struggles about their studies. Some of them needs to work just to earn money to spend for their education. It also came to my mind those young people who are financially stable and still they just take for granted their education.

    Young people, my advise to you is that you must make good in your studies.. That is the only thing that our parents can heir (MANA) for us. That is also for our future.. It is hard to find a descent job without an educational background. Young people, don't wait for the time that you'll have to regret everything an it is too late. Don't let your mistakes experienced by the next generation...

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