Friday, October 1, 2010

Mending broken hearts...

     Hi, just would like to share this with you. If you feel like you are in pain right now (emotionally), I suggest for you to read this one. This is what I am going to share on ALS Retreat tomorrow (Oct. 2, 2010) at Iloilo Training Mission Center, Bolilao Mandurriao, Iloilo City.

     Before we are going to start, check first your heart your heart...

1. HEALTHY - when we say healthy, it means that you are full of love, joy and etc.
2. BROKEN - you are currently hurt and in pain.
3. RECOVERY STAGE - you are in the process of healing the pain.

     Whatever the status of your heart right now, I urge you to read this article. We can see that in every heartaches there is pain. Pain is something that everyone don't want to experience and as musch as possible we avoid it. But we cannot deny the fact that being heart broken there is pain. We tried everything to avoid pain but we don't succeed. The word of the Lord says that:

"He heals the broken hearted and binds up their wounds"
Psalms 147:3

     It is very clear that God can heal those who are broken hearted and can heal those wounds that we had in our life. Now, let us see what is the cause of our heartaches? There are a lot of causes but let me just share to you the common causes of heartaches..

B - etrayal - when someone betrays you, it really cause so much pain in us.
A - bandoned - when your loved ones abandoned you.
L - oss -loosing of your loved ones is very painful.
A - bused -When you are Physically, verbally and sexually abused is traumatic for someone.

    Now we know the common causes of our heartaches, we now go to on how to restore our broken hearts....

1. Talk to God
     It is ok to talk to someone like your friends, family and pastors about your pain, but above all them there is one person who can actually help you on how to restore your broken heart and that is GOD. Before you come to Him, God knows what are your needs, He knows what you want to pray for Him, He knows everything that you nedd because He's the one who created you and He's the only one who knows how to fix you.
  Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.”
          (Matthew 11:28-29 NIV)
     Jesus is inviting us to come into His yoke because He is gentle and humble in heart. Like in a doctor, we come to doctor to have operations. As much as possible, doctors will inject anesthesia in our body to get rid of pain. Same thing with our Savior, He is just like a doctor, when we come to Him, He is gentle and don't want us to be in pain.
2. Take care of ourselves
    Everytime we are heart broken, most of the young people experienced deprssion and low self-esteem. Most of us will just drink alcoholic beverages, smoke and take illegal drugs to get rid of pain. The question is, after that, what's next? does your problem disappeared? Of course, you will just forget your problem in just a moment, but after that  your problem still exist. The most worst that a person can do to get rid of pain is to end his life by commiting suicide.
    According to research, Male has the highest number listed who has a successful suicide attempt than female. When Judas Iscariot realized his mistake in betraying Jesus, He was very troubled and committed suicide. Where do you think Judas went after his death? of course Judas went to hell. Where in Hell, there is FOREVER TORMENT AND PAIN.
    When I was in a relationship with my ex-girlfriend, and that time our relationship is not really working well and we are planning to end our relationship, I was really afraid of what people may say about us, because they used to see us together for 6 years. I am afraid that I cannot accept it and I don't know what to do. But God said to me that...
"I will never leave you, nor forsake you." Hebrews 13:5
    To make the story short, when we broke up, I was not that affected because I know that my God will not leave me and has a someone much better prepared for me. Praise God! I am happy with my relationship right now and very blessed... If you are planning to do these things, forget about it.. don't be depressed! always remember that everything that happened in your life has a purpose and everything is planned and God is always there for you. So better take care of your body and don't abuse it.
3. Forgive them
     Sometimes it is very hard to forgive someone who hurts you a lot. Let's look upon the life of Joseph "The Dreamer", his brothers betrayed him and tried to kill him. They sold Joseph to the egyptians and while on the egypt, Joseph was betrayed by Potiphar's wife and was put into prison. Later, God used Joseph to be save the nation of egypt, and His brothers were there and afraid that Joseph might take revenge on them. but Joseph's response was the power of forgiveness..

You intended to harm me, but God intended  it for good to accomplish what is now
being done, the saving of many lives. Genesis 50:20

    Joseph see all bad things that happened to him as planned by God to use Him to save the nation of egypt. Everything has a plan and purpose. it may be good or bad. So forgive whoever hurts you because eveyrthing was planned and has a purpose. Don't let the unforgiveness chain your future.

4. Forget about revenge
     Like in a movie, The main character is hurt in the first scene and in the later part, He will take revenge for payback time! Well, life is not like that, we should forget about revenge. If there is someone who hurts us, we really think to revenge and sometimes we are happy if they are in trouble. But God is telling us that...

Do not take revenge, my friends, but leave room for God’s wrath, for it is written: ‘It is mine to
avenge; I will repay,’ says the Lord.” Romans 12:19

    Let everything put n the hands of the Lord. If we really want to restore our broken hearts, and heal the wound, let God do it. I hope that you learned in this article and you will apply it in your life. God Bless

-Algen Lloyd D. Amacio