Monday, August 30, 2010

Volunteer or Called by God?

  Are you a volunteer or being called by God?

1. Volunteers see their involvement at church as community service, but people called of God see it as ministry.
2. Volunteers whine about what it's going on to cost to serve,  but people who are called are committed to serving people.
3. Volunteers shrink back from resolving relational conflict, but people called of God seek to resolve relational conflict for the sake of unity in the church.
4. Volunteers look upon rehearsal as another commitment they're obligated to fulfill, but people called of God look forward to rehearsal as another opportunity to be used by God.
5. Volunteers do no outside practicing or preparation, but people who are called of God come to rehearsals and a performance as prepared as possible.
6. Volunteers are not open to constructive criticism; they get defensive aout it. But people called of God are grateful for feedback because they want to be the best they can be.
7. Volunteers feel threatened by the talent of others, but people called of God praised Him for distributing gifts and talents as He chooses.
8. Volunteers want to quit at the first sign of adversity or discouragement, but people called of God dig in and preserve.
9. Volunteers find their main source of fulfillment in their talents and abilities, but people called of God now that being used of God is the most fulfillinf thing you can do with your life.
10.Volunteers can't handle being put in situations in which they're going to be stretched, but people called of God respond to God's call with humble dependence on Him.

Balanced Spiritual Life

How to Have a Balanced Spiritual Life

     In our life, we have 5 purpose why we were created by God. It is important for us to balance those 5 purpose inorder for us to live a fulfilled life. What are those 5?
1. Worship - we were created to worship God alone.
2. Fellowship - We were created to have fellowship with other believers.
3. Discipleship - We were created to share what we know to others, for us to grow spiritually.
4. Ministry - We were created to use our skills and abilities for the glory of God.
5. Evangelism - we were created to share the gospel around the world.

     Now, let me share with you on how to balance these 5. It is not right if we will only concentrate in one purpose because we are enjoying it.  It's should be balanced, we should not take for granted one of them.


1. Find a PARTner or join a smallgroup.
> Having a partner or joining a small group could encourage you everytime you are spiritually down. These could help us to balance our spiritual life.

2. CHECK your spirtual life always
> like in our physical body, we are having a regular check up with the doctor to stay fit. In our spiritual life, we should also check it always if we are okay.

3. Have a NOTEBOOK to write down your progress
> Having a notebook is an advatage to see if we are having improvement spiritually. We can take down our problems and how we overcome it, so that the next time we are encounter the same problem, we know what to do next.

4. Pass on what you know to others.
>It is important for us to pass on what we know to others, for them to grow matured Christians.

This is how can we balance our spiritual life. God Bless